Editor's Note: The following is a guest Marketing Mulligans post by Dan Harvey, a former BBC and ITN journalist, and now director of marketing and client relations at HarveyLeach Media Training, a U.K.-based media training firm which prepares executives for conducting speaking engagements and handling print, online, and broadcast interviews. Crisis communications is one of the most challenging public relations disciplines for many reasons, and certain crises, such as the BP oil spill, can be overwhelming and beyond difficult to manage. However, regardless of the situation, there are certain dynamics which NEVER change, and should be readily adopted by all companies working through such scenarios in order to safeguard their respective brands and reputations. This is excellent advice for any firm, no matter the size, in preparing for a crisis. Harvey explains below.
Although social media may have added a whole new dimension to the discipline of media relations, it's interesting to note that many of the key principles haven't really changed at all. This is particularly true in the field of crisis communications.
Three of the most important rules of crisis communications for traditional press and broadcast media are just as relevant to social media. They are:
1. Be Quick
It has always been vital to respond to a crisis proactively rather than reactively. This means getting your message out there either before the story breaks or as soon as possible afterward.
When there were just daily newspapers and scheduled news programs, your deadlines were clearly defined, but with the advent of rolling news and citizen journalism, the faster you can be, the better. It may be tempting to delay things by saying "no comment" or just staying silent, but this makes it much easier for the media and public to assume the worst.
It can also be tempting to spend valuable time refining your message, running it through committees and approval processes. Don't. The most important thing is that you put your head above the parapet and give a reasonable response.
2. Be Helpful
It is vital to keep the media and public on your side. Ideally, this process will have started before any crisis occurs, through fostering relationships with journalists, bloggers and, of course, your customers.
Once the crisis has occurred, you keep them on your side by being helpful and giving them the information for which they ask. Let them know what you are doing to fix the situation and how long it will take.
Issuing regular statements and calling press conferences have traditionally been the way to do this. Now, social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube enable you to be proactive in getting this information out to the widest possible audience.
3. Be Open
Don't try to put a positive spin on a crisis situation or deny responsibility when your organization is clearly at fault. Even the slightest hint that you might be hiding the truth will greatly damage your credibility.
The public has always been expert at spotting dishonesty. The difference now with social media is that your dishonesty will be discussed in great detail by thousands of people.
In addition, don't be afraid to let your emotions show. If you are genuinely upset by a crisis, let people see that. It is always a good thing to show that you are human, too.
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