Friday, January 7, 2011

Altered States: How Individual States Rank In Twitter Use Per Capita

Here's another interesting look at current Twitter usage statistics, which continue to shift as rapidly as the site's traffic and user base growth rates.

Do you think you're located in one of America's top tweeting states? Well, that's exactly the question that HubSpot sought to answer when analyzing the latest data from its Twitter Grader tool. The following findings were reported yesterday in this post on, MediaBistro's unofficial Twitter resource. Take a look at the map below, and see how your state fared against others in the nation.

The infographic attaches a percentage to each state based on how much higher, or lower, its tweet rate is compared to the national average. The top three states, as indicated by the map, are Massachusetts, Washington, and Oregon. All three states used Twitter more than 60% more than the national average, with leader Massachusetts at 69%.

The research also reviewed the top gainers, states that experienced the most growth in Twitter usage from 2009-2010 compared to the national average. Based on this date, the fastest-growing state over the past year was Utah at 66%.

Click on the map to view a larger version of the graphic:

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