This lousy, unprofessional banner was placed in the storefront window of a new computer repair retail location situated in a local shopping center I frequent a great deal. At the time, the store had not opened yet. I even called the number listed on the banner to offer the owner my services prior to the grand opening, but I never received a response. The obvious questions: how could the owner miss such a glaring mistake, and how did the banner manufacturer not catch this before producing it????
Interestingly enough, when I returned to the store a week and a half later, the offending error had been painted over in a non-matching shade of yellow, and new copy, outlined in black electrical tape, was in its place. How professional...
The moral of the story, beyond the simple need to proofread for idiotic spelling and grammatical errors? If you're going to spend the money to create any form of advertisement or piece of marketing collateral, such as this banner, please make sure it is professionally produced and manufactured. And if you make a mistake, don't cover it up with paint and electrical tape; simply make a brand new one! Argh...
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